“It is not just about me! It is not just about you! It should be about us! All of us! How can we work together for the common good?”
Sargent Shriver | Lexington, VA | September 17, 2002
Our Quote of the Week is from Sargent Shriver’s 2002 Speech at Washington and Lee University, a speech we return to often for its ability to inspire. This particular quote highlights two important notions for Sargent Shriver: that we are all connected, and that we can work together to improve society. We invite you to read Sarge’s entire speech, or to watch the video of the address. His words about seizing the opportunity to make society better in the 21st century, combined with his lessons learned from the War on Poverty and the Peace Corps, combine to make this a truly memorable speech.
Like this quote? Read the speech or watch the video.