An Adjunct Lecturer in English at Lehman College-CUNY, Stacey teaches writing intensive courses, including Writing & Social Justice and Human Rights Literature. In addition to MFA’s in Playwriting and Memoir, she holds a certificate in Arts and Healthcare from UF Gainesville’s Center for Arts in Medicine. Since 2000, she has worked as a consultant, workshop leader and program manager in a wide variety of educational and human services settings in New York City. As SSPI Communications Associate, Stacey assists in the creation of the Sargent Shriver archives, conducts research and collaborates on SSPI communications projects. Most recently, she has served as editor on The Call: The Spiritual Realism of Sargent Shriver by Jamie Price and Genocide and Resistance in Guatemala, a volume of essays compiled by Victoria Sanford and Wolf Gruner.

Stacey Engels
Communications Associate