Handwritten Prayer at the SOI Board of Directors Meeting

Washington, DC • July 05, 1997

Almighty God,

We thank you-
We thank you-
For bringing us all together.
For giving us the chance to work on behalf of the 170,000,000 human beings on earth…
For helping us to understand why you have created them!
Because they teach us to love one another-
Because they teach us to respect all of your creatures of every race, every religion, every nation of all ages
Because they teach us that we are all every one of us dependent on you, and on one another…
Help us, Oh Lord, to respect and love all of your creatures and all of your creation.
Help us, Oh Lord, because we are all your servants! Amen!

Peace requires the simple but powerful recognition that what we have in common as human beings is more important and crucial than what divides us.
Sargent Shriver
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