Leading with Love

“We could demonstrate that we know that our neighbor is the man to whom we show understanding, mercy and compassion, not solely the one who does us good...We could demonstrate our faith in the natural and supernatural unity of mankind, of all races, creeds, and social conditions...We could show that the US is the proper leader of a united world based on knowledge and love as compared to a...world based on fear and hate.”
Sargent Shriver | Northwestern University, Chicago, IL| July 9, 1957

Speaking about education at Northwestern University in Chicago, Sargent Shriver made the point that introducing students to world cultures could revolutionize the way we think about each other. That revolution could eventually transform our leadership style at the national level, allowing us to lead from a place of “knowledge and love” -- which was much more powerful than leading from “fear and hate.” This is a timely quote to meditate on and share as we approach Valentine’s Day in 2018.

It is important to remember that Sargent Shriver was the head of both the Chicago Board of Education and the Catholic Interracial Council at the time he gave this speech. Equally evident in these words is Sargent Shriver’s deep Catholic faith, which guided him throughout his life. All of these factors influenced his words here, and continued to influence him as he evolved as a political leader and diplomat. From his tenure with the Peace Corps, to his leadership in the War on Poverty, to his time as US Ambassador to France, and beyond, Sarge’s strong valuing of inclusiveness, faith, and love are always apparent.

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Peace requires the simple but powerful recognition that what we have in common as human beings is more important and crucial than what divides us.
Sargent Shriver
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